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"East to Eden pt. three: TWEIRAN" A short story by Katlynn Chrans

East to Eden pt. Three: TWEIRAN;
By Katlynn Chrans

Seven Years Past

“How’re you feeling Ara” Uyre asked walking into the small wooden hut, clad in his best battle gear he smiled at me from the mirror. We had both been anticipating this day, he was probably more nervous than I was.
   “A little I guess” I replied biting my bottom lip while Roslix gently placed various flowers in my hair
   The time had come for me to take my destined role, I had reached my 17th year and I finally had the knowledge and courage to truly rule the people who had so bravely kept our kind alive for my parents…and for me. I grew to become someone who I believed my parents would be proud of, a strong warrior with a kind heart. Once Uyre had begun teaching me how to rule and understand our people I began to focus more on the trip home. Vinet, the captain of the ship we called Eve, helped me find a way to fuel our ships. It was quite the journey, but eventually, we found a source which we called Greates, it was a mixture of minerals found in the soil, as well as a particular property, which I still don’t completely understand, found in the leaves of the trees around us. By grinding and crushing these things together, we found our source. We had begun to make it years ago, as it was a long process and produced very little.
   “Ara, come here, please. Ara!” Roslix called. I looked up, dazed by how the time had flown by.
   “Yes, yes I’m sorry.” I said softly, standing slowly, I walked to the woman. She smiled at me and grasped my face in her hands.
   “You will do fine.” She whispered, “Your parents would be so happy to see you today, how beautiful and strong you look” she added, tears welling in her bright green eyes. Her fiery red hair gently falling down her shoulders.
   “I know, I wish they were here” I replied quietly.
   “I do too.” She replied releasing me from her grasp and handing me the last part of my ceremonial dressing. A girl in the village had helped me make it, I was good at fighting and thinking logically, but when it came to any sort of sewing I was useless.
It was a gorgeous garment, the colour of the deep night sky, it shimmered in the light, as though thousands and thousands of stars were laid in its seams. It flowed and fluttered, I once stole it and tried it on at the top of the hill on the east side of our village, I felt as if I was flying. There was a structured piece I would have preferred not to wear, but it was meant to be very closely related to one my mother wore on her coronation, it laid on my shoulders and swirled down my body to my waist, it looked like the wind swirling around me, or waves, I could never decide which I liked best.
   Uyre smiled at me, as I took his arm and sucked in a small breath.
   “Ara, you are destined for this, you will be amazing. You can do this,” he said softly as we stood beside the exit of the tent. Roslix gave me one last squeeze on the arm before leaving with the rest of the attendants; it was only me and Uyre now.
   “What if I fail them?” I whispered.
   “Ara, you’re like your Mother, in some ways you outshine her. You definitely outshine every one of us here. You’re strong and kind, you care for you people rather than command them” he replied. “It’s time” he added beginning to pull me forward.
   The sun glinted in my eyes, time slowed and I heard gasps and intakes of breaths. I shakily held my hand up to block out the bright sun, I saw my people, my family, tears running down their cheeks, smiles plastered on their lips. Maybe I could do this; I had to do this, for them, for Uyre and Roslix, for me…for my parents.
   “Ara of Tweiran, do you hereby swear to put the needs of your people and your planet above all else?” the Grand Orne asked. I faced the crowd as he stood to my left, Uyre stood to my right.
   “Yes.” I replied firmly.
   “Do you wish for Uyre of Tweiran to be your rightful advisor?” he asked.
   “Yes.” I smiled to myself. That choice was the only one which I never had to think about when planning this event; I knew I could trust him completely.
   “Finally, Ara of Tweiran, do you take the responsibility and loyalty in which accompanies the title of ‘Princess’ which you will now take” he added lastly.
   “Yes.” I finalised.
   The Grand Orne placed the crown, which Uyre and Roslix had made for me, on my head; he looked down to me and smiled.
   “You can do this Ara,” he said to me quietly. He turned around to face the crown, blocking me from their view, “I present, Ara, Princess of Tweiran” he said boomingly to the crowd before stepping back to my left.
   A huge grin covered my face as the people began to cheer and yell. I stood and clapped along with them. I had finally passed this milestone, and I only had one more, to go home.
One Year Past

“As you have all been aware, over the past eight years, Vinet, Barge and I have been collectively working towards the repair of Adam and Eve. It has not been an easy journey, filled with doubts and struggles we were heavily discouraged at some points. However, today I have gathered you to announce that both ships are fuelled and ready for launch!” I announced to the large crowd in front of me. I had been anticipating the release of the exciting news for weeks. We wanted to ensure that we were completely sure before telling everyone.
   “I know that life on Eden has not always been easy for us, but over the last 18 years, we have managed to grow as a race and as a family. I want to thank each and every one of you for helping me grow and learn and love.” I said happily, a single tear escaping and running down my cheek. I peered at Uyre in the crowd, he smiled back at me. “I understand many of you have fears about returning to Tweiran, we have no inside information. Holivees may plague the lands, and because of this, I can not bring myself to force people to return against their will. So, for those wishing to stay behind on Eden, just know you have my best wishes.” I added wringing my hands. “Now moving on from that solemn note, I have something I wish to show everyone, please follow me.” I said walking down from the small platform. I slowly made my way over to a hidden enclosure on the edge of the woods; disguised by leaves and tree branches, I turned to face the crowd again.
   “Since I was in my 7th year, I have been coming to this place, I wanted to leave something beautiful that would show who we are as people and that we were here, on the beautiful and ever-growing land that we call Eden.” I stopped and peered around at all the different faces before me. Their confused expressions were mirrored back. I smiled at them all before turning around and pushing the tall wooden gate open, vines wrapped around the entirety of the structure, which made its way up to a point. Flowers and trees bloomed all around us.
   “I call this, The Garden of Eden.” I said quietly to the hushed room. I watched as each and every one of them explored the space, taking in the bright colours and mesmerising aromas.
   “I also dedicate this to those wishing to stay behind, care for the Garden and for yourselves, I want you to stay happy and healthy. Before we depart, I will be instating someone to take my place and to keep order.” I turned towards my other closest friend, Roslix. She had confessed to me a few months back that she wished to remain on Eden. It was a conversation filled with tears and laughs as we looked back at all the memories we had made in this strange place. She told me she was starting a family of her own, she was having a baby and she couldn’t risk losing what a happy life she could have. I told her I would allow it on one condition, she takes my place and forms a council to keep everyone happy, to ensure the safety of our people.
   “Roslix will be taking this position.” I said happily and clapping along with everyone as Roslix’s cheeks went bright red. “She will also be gathering a council to better help and adjust to everyone’s needs” I added giving one last smile around the room.
   “For those wishing to return to Tweiran, we depart tomorrow afternoon, please take your belongings to the pickup centres outside of each ship, and be ready.” Uyre announced to the crowd. I smiled at him and began walking towards my own hut.
   I peered around the small space, I had already taken most of my things to Eve, what was left behind would stay by my side. My bamboo stick, which I had customised myself, it now bore the engraving of my name, as well as the letters: ‘E’ and ‘D’, for my parents. I had also used some of the seal Vinet had designed to add each of every flower I planted in my garden as well as a leaf from every single tree and bush. It was decorated top to bottom and had the perfect grip where my hands and lain into it over its years of use. I also had my crown; I planned to leave it on the ship once we landed on Tweiran, but I knew I wanted to leave a lasting impression on those staying behind, for them to know how seriously I took my role over them, even if only for a short time.
   I had also had the girl who designed my ceremonial dress sew me a new garment, one of regal and strength; I wanted to show my parents, if they were alive, how strong I had become, and if the Holivees still plagued my planet, I wanted to show how fierce of a warrior I was, and that I would not back down. I laid back, my head hit the pillow and I dreamed of what my home would look like, smell like…be like.

Three and a Half Years Past

“It’s…beautiful.” I whispered to Uyre, I gazed upon my home; it was so completely different from Eden, in every way. Its purples and blue contrasted so highly to Eden’s greens and yellows. The bright white star so different from the fiery yellow one I was accustomed to. I was so close to finding out the answers I had asked myself all my life: Were my parents alive? Were the Holivees still ravaging the land? Would I belong here? Fixating on the beautiful sphere, I knew I had the answer to my last enquiry; yes, I belonged here, I knew it in my heart and most of all my soul.
   “You will love it, Ara, I’ve known that since the day I laid my eyes on you. You’re strong and fierce: like your mother, but you have the compassion and patience, like your father. I always knew you’d be an amazing warrior, but I know you would grow to be an even better ruler” Uyre quietly replied to my exclamation.

            I waited before the door, the thick metal which separated me from the land I had dreamed to walk for years. I listened to the whistle as it lowered, slow, too slow. I was growing nervous and impatient. I knew it would be awhile before I would see what the fate of my parents was; it had been my call though. If the Holivees had decided to stay, it would have been in the heart, where the castle is and the gardens and the vast city, so I had decided we should land in the outskirts, to map out the journey and decide the best plan of action.
   I breathed in slowly; the thump of the door stopping jumped me from my state. I gazed at the ground, so different. It was blue, dark and harsh, but beautiful. I peered behind me; Uyre looked intently to the distance, no doubt checking the surroundings. I turned back around and watched as Adam slowly descended to our right. I stepped slowly one foot at a time, one in front of the other. The ground was soft, almost identical to Eden’s. I smiled and whirled around to meet Uyre, his eyes crinkled at the corners as I began to jump up and down.
   “I’m home, I’m actually here, for real” I exclaimed to the people gathering at the entrance. “I’m home” I repeated slower, almost to myself.
   “Yes you are, young princess” Uyre laughed, the rest of the people gathered began to clap and whistle, for 21 years our people have been forced to live on foreign land, and we were finally home.
   It sounded like the air had been sliced. The arrow hit the side of Eve, piercing the hard exterior as if it was flesh. I was rushed so quickly inside the ship I didn’t have a chance to process what was happening. More arrows were volleyed through the slowly closing door, and for the second time that day I wished the door moved quicker. The sounds of screams and yells were muffled by Uyre’s hard chest as people were struck by the sharp metal. I screamed with them, my people, my family, I led them into this; they were hurting because of me.
   “Ara listen to me, you’re okay, listen to me!” Uyre yelled at me, violently shaking my shoulders I snapped out of my trance.
   “I’m fine, I know I’m okay! What about them Uyre, I need to help them!” I screamed pushing and shoving at his strong form. Tears streamed down my cheeks, wetting my face and adding to my panic and anger. “Move out of my way!” I yelled fruitlessly trying to move him.
   “And if you die?” he said calmly still gripping the sides of my shoulders. He looked into my eyes, I’m sure of a look of frantic fear met his. “Ara, if you go out there and you die, what will these people do? They will be scared and alone, you hold them together, you give them courage and strength Ara. Without you, this mission will fail, and we will all meet a violent end.” He added almost silently.
   I looked down at my hands, he was right. But I had also grown to think my own way, and who I was as a person. I stood quickly, too quickly for him to stop me. I looked down at him, my eyes piercing into his.
   “I will not sit back and wait while my people are violently murdered. You do not get to tell me what to do, not anymore. This is my home, and I am not going to give in to these savages. So you can stay here and whimper while we die, but me? I am going to fight and I am going to do so whether I die for it or not.” I said coldly before turning and leaving the room.
I walked into destruction. I looked around, arrows stuck out of people at strange angles, there were moans of pain and screams as people had begun to help the injured, cutting and pulling the arrows out. I walked around the room, it hushed like mist.
   I stood calmly, right in front of the now closed door.
   “Today, we have suffered greatly, we have lost some, and we have gained everlasting injuries” I started gazing around the room, meeting the eyes of each and every person. “Today we must ask ourselves, will we survive? If we try to go out there again, do we have a chance?” I cautioned. “Yes. Do you know how I know that? We lived and cultivated a foreign planet, three years away from us. We built a home, a community. We survived.” I said stronger, “I know that if we go out there, we will not go into a state imperil. We will fight, we are strong, and we will defeat these invaders, these senseless killers. We will go to war…together and stronger than ever” I exclaimed with power, I smiled and gave the people hope. The injured began to clap, rejuvenated and ready…we prepared for a bloody battle.

            “Are you nervous?” Uyre questioned. He stood awkwardly by my side, stepping from foot to foot.
   “No.” I lied. I couldn’t confess to Uyre now, he wouldn’t let me leave if he knew I had even a glimmer of nerves or fright. “Are you?” I retorted and gripped my bamboo stick until my knuckles were as white as the star outside.
   “Of course not Ara, I just want to make sure you’re okay,” he said softly.
   “I’m fine” I snapped.
   I turned to the man awaiting my approval to switch the door, I nodded. I took a breath as the door began to lower, the rough wind blowing my hair back; I slammed my stick on the floor as the door hit the ground. I turned to my right as the people of Adam awaited my approval.
   “Now!” I bellowed and then we ran. I flowed, the adrenaline and the nerves all mixing together, making a concoction within my body, I decided to call it courage.
   Arrows began to fly past all 800 of us, I smiled, this is what I had always wanted, a chance to use my skills, the years and years of training flooding into my head. We trudged and bellowed together up the hill, the tip of the castle peeking over it, and then they came into view. Awful looking creatures, they were pure white with dark black eyes. They were tall and terrifying, their ears were pointed and stuck out of the top of their heads, they bore large tattoos all over in various symbols, Uyre once told me they represent how many planets they have taken and conquered. I don’t doubt it, savage beasts. They carried various weapons as we did, but I mostly saw wooden clubs, some the size of small trees.
   I gritted my teeth as we stopped atop the hill, the monsters at the bottom. It was silent besides the piercing wind, neither side moving. I stood in the middle of my people, my chest rising and falling as I took in the scene. I looked at Uyre one last time, his eyes sparkling with excitement, like my own. I nodded and looked back at the beasts.
   I screamed and we ascended. Us, the good, portrayed as black, dressed in black and fierce, not afraid and strong. Them, the evil, portrayed as white and bright, dressed in brown and strong, but we were stronger.
   I met my first match, small compared to the others, he swung his club and I ducked swiftly before coming back up and returning with my own swing, it met his skull with a satisfying ‘crack’. His eyes rolled to the back of his head for a moment, but to my dismay, he composed himself and returned with a hit to my gut. I fell back and coughed, the air leaving my lungs. My vision blurred and my head hit the ground. I couldn’t breathe and I thought I was going to die, but I thought about my parents and Uyre. I thought about the people putting their lives on the line for me, for my silly dreams to come home. I ground my teeth, the air swiftly rushing back into me, I breathed out of my nose and opened my eyes. I rolled to the side as the beasts club hit the spot I had just lain in and cracked down the middle. I chuckled and jumped to my feet swinging and for a second time colliding my weapon to its head, I spun around and returned to the same spot, the creature fell to the ground, a trickle of blood making its way into the soil. I smiled to myself and faced the scene around me. I watched my people fighting and yelling our battle cries and I knew I had made the right choice.
   I laughed and wiped the sweat from my brow before returning to the battle. I yelled and ran through the crowd swinging and yelling. One by one I watched my enemies fall at my feet, I watched the snow-white skinned monsters crowd thinning and mine strengthening. I turned around and met a tall figure; it was one of the largest ones I had seen out here. I gulped and clenched my jaw, I didn’t know if I could defeat this one.
   “I’ve got you,” a voice to my left reassured. I looked over and saw Uyre, the glint of mischief apparent in his eyes. I smiled and returned to the beast swinging his club down, I slid to the right and spun around to the back and clocked its ugly pea shaped head. I liked fighting, it made me feel like I was dancing, moving with my weapon rather than moving it. I watched Uyre wield his sword, creating a slice across the belly of the beast, I met his eyes under its arm and smiled. I came down and brought my weapon into the beast knee, a familiar ‘crack’ met my ears as the monster fell to his good knee. Uyre took his chance to plunge his sword into the creature’s chest. I heard him chuckling as he pulled his weapon back.
   “Good work young princess,” he followed.
   “I’m not so young anymore.” I called after his moving figure. I watched him grow smaller as he moved farther away, taking down the enemies as he went.
   As I watched I heard the slice of a sword before I saw it, right before my eyes, too close. I dropped my weapon to the ground, the swords length coming from my stomach. A cry escaped my lips as I cupped the wound, blood dripping through my clothing, the beautiful clothing from the girl, I wondered what she was doing now, she stayed behind, on Eden.
   I dropped to my knees, a tear streaming from my right eye. I screamed and lurched forward as the ruthless beast tore the sword from me. Blood gushed from my mouth, I violently slammed my fist into the ground as I choked and coughed. I peered up slowly, no one had noticed me yet, Uyre was gone and I was alone in this. I recalled Uyre’s words from those few weeks back: “Without you, this mission will fail, and we will all meet a violent end”. I had no doubt he was right, where does the army go with no leader? Turmoil. I couldn’t do that to them.
   With all my strength I clutched my stomach and crawled to the large monster lying, dead, on the ground. Its arm had been propped up by another’s body so I made my way under, I was covered, they wouldn’t find me until they won, when they started to clean the fields. I turned so I fell on my back, sprawled out I watched the bright white dwarf begin to set, I had never seen this before, it was so beautiful. As I watched the twinkling stars appear I felt my strength lessening, draining from my body slowly. I had no idea death could be so peaceful; I always imagined it to have been scary and full of screams. At that moment, for the first time in my life, I hoped my parents were dead because I knew the alternative was that they were alive, and for 21 years had been in confinement, starved to near death or some other awful treatment. I thought about the people of Eden too, I wondered if they were happy, I hoped they were. I glanced to the right as saw a boy, I remembered Roslix, I wondered what her baby looked like, what their name was. I focused my mind on Uyre, how happy being back in the war made him, after raising a girl for 21 years I can't imagine how much joy it brought to him. I hoped he could move on from my death, continue to be happy.
   And as the star dipped below the mountainous land my tears began to flow, however much I wished my parents to be dead, I will never know their fate, I will never meet them if they are alive, and they will never meet me. I will never be able to show them how strong I was…for them.
   My vision began to go cloudy, my conscience dipping in and out, my hand soaked in the warm crimson liquid. As my breathing wavered I felt my last breath escape my lips, my chest sunk and my eyes drooped, my final moments swept away before I could acknowledge they were even there.

            And then, nothing.


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