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for one second; a mess of thoughts by k.c

For one second I want to revel in what it is to be a teenager. I don’t want to fight for women’s rights, or for the planet, or hear about the countless young people dying in school. I don’t want to seek gratification from people I don’t care about online. I want to make mistakes and be dumb, and not have to fight for things that are so so much bigger than me. I want to forget about how scary the world is and live in my own happy place, where I am not self-conscious, where I don’t analyse every inch of my pictures and myself. A place where I can be happy and be who I am, not burdened by the weight of things I cannot change.
For one second I want to live in the now, not think about my future or what the next year will bring. I want to run around every night living in the moment and having fun. I don’t want to worry about people saying this or that. I want to be effortlessly young. I want to write and not fear what others will see in my messy compiled sentences. I want to love who I love, and I want to spend every waking moment with people who are kind and who make me feel so excitedly happy it hurts. I don’t want to look at pictures of people online and wish I had their body, or their style, or their life. I want to love my life; I wish to share my thoughts and leave behind all the what-ifs. Young people are so caught up in ‘this is my future, I must achieve this by this time’, I want to enjoy my time being naïve and young while I can.
For one second I want to live in a place where everything is good and happy and people are kind, a world where I don’t have to wake up to a new tragedy every day, a place where young people don’t fear their school, and where our planet is healthy. Because sometimes everything just becomes too much, as young people we feel we must take on this burden, to save what those older than us do not see. And that’s good, so pure and good, but it can be so pressuring.
For one second I want to live fearlessly and love fiercely, experience heartbreak and true love, and then do it all over again. I love fighting for what I believe to be right, and I love writing, but I hate hate hate the anxiety and pressure, ‘what if they think it’s bad’ running through my head hundreds of time before clicking the upload button. Or what if people think it’s weird if I care about this or that.

For one second I want to be a blissfully unaware teenager.

Inspired by Gap in the Clouds by Yellow Days because inspiration can strike from anywhere at any time.


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