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"East to Eden" A short story by Katlynn Chrans

East to Eden;
By Katlynn Chrans

            “I can’t do it Erastus, I can’t I’m so tired” screamed Deidre. Sweat glazed across her forehead as she fell backwards her head hitting the soft gold silk cushion.
   “Now what happened to the strong, fearless warrior I married” replied Erastus gently moving a piece of his wife’s hair behind her ear and planting a kiss on her temple.
            Deidre groaned again pushing with all her might, wrapping her hands around her knees she yelled into the early morning squeezing her eyes shut until she heard the soft cry of a child, her child.
   “Deidre, it’s a girl, our daughter” Erastus cried with joy peering at his wife. He stroked the child’s soft cheek, her unique eyes staring up at him.
            Deidre lay back once again on the pillow, beckoning for the child.
   “Ara” Deidre whispered quietly

Four Months Prior

“King Erastus, we have urgent information regarding the Holivee invasion” a man in heavy armour enters. He has a trail of a black tattoo around his eyes, like whips of smoke. His armour glints against the light of the white dwarf star outside. His eyes are hard, compassion having long left them from his years of battle.
   “Yes please come in” king Erastus called kindly, pulling his hand reluctantly from the swollen belly of his wife, Queen Deidre. She had a kind face; someone you would think would make excellent baked goods. She smiled at the guard, small wrinkles forming around her eyes. She supported her back as she stood and kissed her husband on the cheek before exiting the room. The king hesitated to speak until he could hear the queen’s soft footsteps round the corner at the end of the stone walled hallway.
            “How soon” the King grimaced at the weight in his own voice. He stepped to gaze out of the tall castle window. The castle grounds were among the King’s favourite fixtures of the castle. Many large and winding trees surrounded the area, their roots set deep within the soil, and they could withstand anything. Flowering vines made their way up the exterior cobble walls. Castle Norbik was, of all the castles, the most beautiful. Queen Deidre constantly said there was old magic there, waiting to be awoken.
   “Six months. They plan to attack mid Nyerm” the soldier replied quietly, knowing the King would be angered by the set times.
   “I will get to spend mere minutes with my child before they are ripped from my hands” said King Erastus slamming his large fist on the window, spider cracks appearing on the cobbled stone. The soldier stood at the door, unsure of how to comfort his king.
   “Debrief me on the preparations” the King ordered turning and sitting in his tall desk chair. It was copper gold lined with deep navy cushions, almost as tall as the ceiling.
   “They say the ships will be ready by the start of Nyerm, and they are three quarters of the way to the desired amount of supplies.” replied the guard, straightening up.
   “Good, remember the Queen is not to know how bad any of this until she gives birth to our child, I will tell her myself then and she and the newborn will leave on Eve. Are the participants keeping quiet?” the King scratched his chin, dreading the near future.
   “Almost all have been informed of the plans, they understand they will board Adam and travel with Eve to the planet, and yes your majesty they understand the urgency of this plan and I have full faith they will continue to keep the plans to themselves.” The guard reassured the King.
   “Thank you Uyre, your loyalty and friendship has been a gift for these past years.” the King told his closest informant, knowing he would not have much time to thank those he appreciated.
   “Your grace, it has been my pleasure, and I will continue to serve with you up until I die” Uyre confirmed, knowing his duty.
   “No, you will have a place on Eve, you deserve it and I would trust no one but you to protect my family. I must remain, I can not leave Tweiran, I was born here, I have ruled here and I will die here before those dirty Holivees take it.” The king exasperated.
   The king was worn from his years of ruling. His skin a shade of grey, the wrinkles on his forehead prominent like the lines of his armies. The dark circles under his eyes mirror the dark and twisted decisions he has had to make as king.
   “Thank you my king, you are but the wisest and kindest Tweiran has ever seen” Uyre gracefully admitted.

Present Time

   “Ara” the King repeated after his wife.
   They both peered to their young heir, their first child, their only child. The King, gently, held his daughter, savouring his few minutes he had to be her father. He envisioned her growing up; playing in the gardens his wife adored so very much. How strong and kind she would be.
   The sound of heavy footsteps rushing down the corridor, to begin preparations for battle, woke the King from his fruitless dream.
   “Deidre, you need to take Ara okay? Uyre will guide you to safety, to somewhere new and beautiful” King Erastus rushed to help his wife, carefully placing their daughter back into the safety of her mother’s arms.
   “What are you taking about Erastus, we’re perfectly safe here at Norbik” the Queen replied, bringing her daughter closer to her chest. Her soft breaths warm on her skin.
   “Deidre, my sweet love, I have kept the truth from you, our armies, however large, are not strong enough to face the Holivee invasion, we will lose, and I refuse to accept that you, my dear wife, and my child will die.” The King replied with a sense of finality.
   “This is nonsense” Queen Deidre replied, stunned by the sudden news of uncertainty surrounding her home.
   “I realize lying may not ha—“
   “No” the Queen interrupted promptly. “No, I will not leave your side, as you have never left mine. I made a vow when I married you, when I became the Queen, your Queen” she continued, a solemn tear falling down her cheek.
   The King watched, angst trapped in every mannerism, as Deidre slowly moved her child to her face,
   “You will bring us home one day” she told the young child before planting a soft kiss of her forehead.
   Uyre stood guard, silently, in the small corner of the room, his senses like a hawk awaited orders.
   “Uyre, I need you to take Ara, to this safety that Erastus speaks of—“ the Queen paused, more tears choking her voice. She looked at her daughter’s soft face, how peaceful and beautiful she was. “I want you to take care of her, teach her about her home and who her parents were. Tell her how much we love her, and most importantly, get her home” Queen Deidre finished, placing her child into the protective hands of Uyre. He held the child to his chest as he left the King and Queen to the enemy attack.
   The Queen turned to The King and reached for his face. Her soft hands holding him in place as she took in his features.
   “How did you think I could ever leave you? I love you and I have stood by you through everything and I will continue to stand by you now, no matter the risk.” She said, tears running down her face now.
   The King and Queen held each other, savouring their last moments together.
   “I will fight for you, for us, for our daughter. I will die before I let Holivees run wild in our home.” The King said.

And that he did.

Two Years After

   Eden is fast approaching; notify Uyre and the Princess…immediately” said the captain of Eve.
   He had estimated the journey take three years, but after the first five months aboard the ships it was estimated they were moving at a much faster rate due to an influence of gas on the ship’s engines.
   Everyone was very excited to land on the new planet, as the ships grew closer they were able to take data from what they called Eden. It was a heavily vegetated planet, many different species of animals all new to them.
   “How long before we land?” Uyre asked, Ara was giddy on his hip.
   She had grown; her beautiful silver hair had passed her shoulders. She had beautiful pale skin, like her mother. But she had her father’s eyes, grey and blue swirled together with specs of purple, the unique characteristic her father had. It reminded Uyre of space, the one which she spent her first two years of life flying through.
   “I would say less than an hour.” The Captain replied, “It is time, that our people touched land once again. And time for our young monarch to learn about our land” he added smiling to the young princess. “She will be stronger than all of us” he finalized.

“Stand back everyone, the door will lower” Uyre called from the front of the crowd that had gathered to catch the first glimpses of their new home.
   A hush fell over all of them as the first gust of fresh air found its way through the dropping door. It smelt of rain and honey.
   Ara outstretched her arms toward the now opened door, the sound of birds echoing all around. Uyre set the young child down.
   The princess stepped forward, feeling the breeze on her face, and the fresh air through her lungs. At the edge of the door she took her last steps onto the new land. Her people stood behind, watching with curious eyes, the inhabitants of the other ship, Adam, also watched, and awaited their monarch’s reaction.
   “Soft” Ara exclaimed after a few minutes. Everyone erupted in cheers; they had made it to Eden, alive.
   Uyre swiftly picked Ara up into his arms; they smiled together and walked to the vegetation nearby. Touching each and every new plant, Ara’s eyes glowed with burning curiosity.
   Uyre had kept his promise to Ara’s mother, Queen Deidre. He had been by the young princess’s side for the two year journey, raising her, and caring for her like a daughter. She had begun to speak when Uyre started to teach her who she was, and who her parents were. She was smart, far more than any girl at her age should be. She understood she ruled the people on the ship, she also knew Erastus was her father, not Uyre, and that this new land, Eden, was not her true home.
   “Here, this one matches your eyes” Uyre told the princess, tucking a lilac purple flower in her hair.
   Ara pointed to the sky, towards the star of Eden.
   “Yes young princess, it is different from the one of Tweiran” Uyre told her. He had shown the young girl paintings of their home. She had looked at them for hours, admiring the lovely flowers and the beautiful space above. Their star was a white dwarf; and it had shone so bright, and illuminated the land in shades of blue, glinting off every surface. The star of Eden, Ara had noticed, was significantly different, gold and hot.
   Back on the ships the workmen and women began to form a camp, pulling ideas from the design that had been decided on during the long journey. King Erastus had given the idea to plan before they had left, it would mean they were able to get to work quickly and safely, to ensure the princess would have a stable home, a place to learn more about herself and Tweiran.
   The Captain was the one to inform Uyre when they lost connection to Tweiran. It had cut out slowly, and it happened almost four days after they had departed. The people on the other end had tried to cram information about Eden to him, as well as complications that they may encounter on the journey.
   Uyre had hoped the communications would remain, that Ara would be able to hear her parents voice, but he was told the communications, once ended, were not pleasant. The invasion was in full force by that point. Through the static of the radio the Captain heard the screams, and then it all ended.

No one knew what Tweiran’s fate was, for they could only hope, that one day young Ara would rise to be the strong leader her parents had known she would be.

She would take them home.


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